You are lucky and rare if you are in on the joke!
16 February 1999
There have been movies like "Caddyshack," where I was the only one in the whole theater not laughing, and movies like "Prizzi's Honor," and "Hotel New Hampshire" (q.v.), where I was the only one who was.

I was scratching my head, throughout the first few scenes, until they got to the scene where Jack Nicholson and Kathleen Turner had their first lunch date and Jack starts in with that, "I've gotta tell ya, I love youse, I love youse, I love youse, that's it, I love youse." She responds, "It's so wonderful to hear you say that, I think I'm in love with love with you too!" He shakes his head, and says "NO! 'In love' is transient, 'In love' is meaningless, I LOVE youse, that's it! I love youse."

I thought I would absolutely bust a GUT! Everybody else in the theater was still scratching their heads, but I KNEW I was the only one getting it and I didn't care if I was the only one laughing. At first they all stared at me, but eventually they all joined in.

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