The worst piece of cinema EVER!
22 October 2003
This film is a crime! This bbc production is probably the worst thing ever created by the BBC. Forget about wooden, these actors are set in cement! Although it does follow austen's novel, the camera work is lousey, its as if you are watching a play, close ups are rare and when done, you find yourself half way up the actor's nose. Marianne is far to irritating, she rivals the character of lydia from Pride and Prejudice in the biggest pain in the butt factor. the character of Margaret is completely cut out of the film, which one would think would not be a huge deal, since she's not that important of a character. However, the family dynamic just seems wrong without a little sister to liven things up now and then. Edward is scary! In fact looks wise (which ordinarly i would never mention), all of the characters are a bit freakish. And the worst part is that Willoughby is dressed like a demented evil lephercan (sp?) the majority of the movie. He's nothing to pine over, that's for sure. All in all, this movie is terrible and if you're trying to get a friend to fall in love with Austen DO NOT SHOW THEM THIS! This movie will make even a hardcore lover of Austen to think twice about her work. It's slow, and boring. Her spirit is NOT with this film. I give it a -5. and a big "UCK!"
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