Review of Fast Times

Fast Times (1986)
Widely Overlooked 80's Teen Sitcom...
8 September 2001
Wow, in this day and age of the "postmodern" pop-culture and media, this show (from 1986) WAS actually better written than almost any teen/young adult show on television today. If you want to see where Courtney-Thorne Smith (Melrose Place, Ally McBeal) got her start, check this out! Ever wondered what happened to the Michael J. Fox's girlfriend from the 1st Back To The Future film? Check this out! Obviously this short-lived series was based on the cult classic film "Fast Times At Ridgemont High", which was of course based on the novel by Cameron Crowe. For a mid-80's t.v. show to based on a film with such memorable characters, obviously was a difficult vision to translate to the small screen. It must have been, because CBS pulled the plug on it after airing only 7 episodes in the spring of 1986. Too bad, too. They even got Ray "My Favorite Martian" Walston to reprise his role of Mr. Hand for this t.v. version. 80's buffs will also be interested in the fact that the theme song for the show was done by the classic 80's band Oingo Boingo. Apparently T.V. Land airs this show every so often. Hey, there were only 7 episodes, so it makes for a brief, but enjoyable viewing experience!
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