Review of Aliens

Aliens (1986)
A classic sequel from Cameron.
14 March 2002
This popular masterful sequel to the 1979 Shocker is Great, all thanks to the brilliant James Cameron. It's set forty-years after Ripley ( Weaver) had a terrifying experience with a certain Monster, now comes back with a Marine Crew to the same Planet to wipe out those pesky Sons of B's including the Queen Alien herself. It's got a great score by Titanic's James Cameron, lots of Action with thrills, chills, blood, splatter and kills to keep you awake.

Other similar movies recommended: Alien, Alien3, C.H.U.D, The Thing, Pod People ( MST3K episode), The Matrix, Starship Troopers and Total Recall.

10/10 ( better than the first, James Cameron is a God to me.)
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