Review of Labyrinth

Labyrinth (1986)
Dreamy dreamy land
12 August 2000
It's hard for me to remember a film from my childhood that made as much sense 2 me then as it does now, for this reason Labyrinth is one of my fav movies. Along with Legend, The Storyteller & The last unicorn this movie brings a magical world to life through moving pictures.

Im a 17 year old male now, and living in London i see 2many fake people & fake ideas. This movie is soo pure & delicate. It is like escaping back 2 my childhood, a truly un4gettable experience.

If anyone would like 2 e-mail me & tell me any movies they have seen that they think are similar please feel free 2 do so. I reccomend you all see Legend, never has a magical world been created on film so well. + It has unicorns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nyrone (UK)
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