Isn't This Movie Awful? I Dare You To Be Truthful
12 April 1999
My sister, her boyfriend, and myself were wandering around the horror section one evening. We were having trouble picking something because there was little not one of us had seen already. Then, jokingly, my sister pointed at "Truth Or Dare?" That point was one of the greatest mistakes in her life. This movie is one of the worst I have ever seen. It is practically plotless and pointless. Okay, okay, so the budget was low. I admire good work when the budget is low...but no good work is here.

In this movie, an overworked man comes home early one day and finds that his loving wife is cheating on him. He quickly proceeds to go insane, and dreams up a woman who plays a game of Truth or Dare with him. He tries to kill his wife, but is stopped and is locked up in a mental hospital. There, he somehow gets some weapons (a knife, grenade) and plays a game of....guess what?...with some inmates. In the process, he cuts up his face. From that point on, he doesn't speak and wears an iron mask. My guess is that the actor playing the part asked for his entire salary to be bumped from one dollar to two, and he got fired, so they used his stunt man in a mask for the rest of the film! Well, he breaks out (surprise, surprise) and goes on a pointless killing spree (surprise, surprise), and goes after his wife again (wow, didn't see that coming). Meanwhile, we are subjected to the bothersome, bumbling cops who are tracking him.

This movie is by far one of the worst slasher movies you'll find, right next to "Don't Go Into The Woods." And this is coming from a fan of slasher flicks! So if you are playing a game of Truth or Dare, and someone dares you to watch "Truth Or Dare," then my truthful advice to you is to dare them to play a game of Spin the Bottle, and forget about watching this unwatchable garbage. And that is the truth. Zanatos' score: 1 out of 10.
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