One of the best summer camp movie ever!
21 June 2004
Wacky and undeniably funny, the Ernest movies are one of a kind. No other movie series can capture the same level of fun slapstick hijinks and goofiness of the Ernest series, not even the POLICE ACADEMY movies.

When I first saw this movie, I didn't think much of it. I didn't think it was a bad movie, but I didn't think that it was a good movie either. However, after seeing the movie a second time, I grew to appreciate the crazy antics of Ernest and he instantly became one of my favorite movie characters.

It is in ERNEST GOES TO CAMP that Ernest is at his best. The movie contains some hilarious scenes between Ernest and the campers, which help make this one of the best summer camp movies ever. Jim Varney, possibly the most underrated actor of the 1990s, was able to create such a unique and interesting character with this movie that it is really hard to dislike Ernest. There is a little Ernest in us all. Rest in peace, Jim Varney. Your legacy lives on!
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