Hiding Out (1987)
30 something stockbroker falls for HS beauty while hiding from the mob.
16 December 2002
Being a child of the 80's, I enjoyed Hiding Out on several levels. I think that Annabeth Gish is a beautiful woman and love the way she smiles during this movie. She is lucky in the characters she played while a younger actress. She was a good actress then and she is a great one now. Jon Cryer is a good actor but he doesn't seem totally comfortable in this role. Perhaps that is a good thing, since he is a fish out of water character here. The high school kids were pretty believable, especially Keith Coogan. His is pretty much the same character from Adventures in Babysitting, just grown up now. This is pretty amazing since both movies came out in 1987.

The ending is bit contrived but entertaining just the same. Hiding Out is a really good movie and worth the rental fee if you want some 80's nostalgia or too see something safe for the whole family. I have watched it numerous times and still look forward to seeing it again.
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