My child deserves to live....
6 October 2001
Certainly the silliest of the trilogy, "It's Alive III" remains loaded with both Larry Cohen's carnival barker imagination and the sheer tasteless audacity of its premise: crashing metaphors for aids, abortion, censorship, media intrusion and the sexualisation of children fairly brisk by. One wilfully laughable plot aside even has Cohen cock a snook at U.S/Cuba relations. Not since "Q" has he made a movie so explicitly reverent (referential), in both content and presentation, of the golden age of b horror/sci-fi: this curiousity could, should have been made, "special" effects and all, in the 1950's.

John P. Ryan is much missed with Michael Moriarty bringing nothing like his grasping beatific intensity to the lead, despite a couple of crackpot improvisations. The rest of the cast are barely servicable.

We might remember this movie was shot in four weeks; despite its amateurishness it is impossible not to recommend to anyone with an interest in the raw cinema.
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