22 August 2003
SLAUGHTERHOUSE is a terrible film. In fact, it's one of the worst films I've seen recently and this is after watching SILO KILLER and SCARECROWS. SLAUGHTERHOUSE is as bad as SCARECROWS. Everything about it is truly pathetic. Being a big TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE fan, I had hopes that this film would be a fun rip-off. It's not. It tries to be funny and scary and it's not even close to being funny (in a good way or bad way) and it's definitely not scary. The only thing scary about this woeful "film" is the acting. I've never seen such bad acting put on film! The acting in an Ed Wood movie is usually better than the acting in this dreck. There's a scene inside the slaughterhouse, when the fat killer is above one of the businessmen and taunts the businessman with a weapon. That scene is the most pathetic example of acting I've ever seen in a film. I regretted watching this horrible film. It's bad and to be avoided at all cost.
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