Teen Wolf Too (1987)
I don't even know where to begin.
25 July 2001
I am going to start out by admitting that even though I think the original Teen Wolf is a pretty stupid movie, I actually like it quite a bit. I don't know what it is about it that I like, but for the last couple of months I've found myself watching my copy of Teen Wolf about once a week.

I decided to purchase (you gotta OWN these titles, that's the fun of it.) a copy of Teen Wolf Too on eBay for $4. The only other time I had seen this movie was when I was in 4th grade, which was over a decade ago. I didn't remember much about it, save a couple of moments involving Chubby.

I just finished watching the movie for the first time in 11 years, and I can say with complete certainty that this is one of the worst movies I've seen in a LONG time. In many ways, this is the *perfect* bad sequel... The first film wasn't especially good or commercially successful, so it seems pointless to have even considered making another chapter in the Teen Wolf saga. They also weren't able to get the big star of the first movie (Michael J. Fox) to come back, so they instead focused on his cousin, whose personality is almost exactly the same. Even further, they decided to bring back a few of the characters from the first movie, only two of which are played by the same actors. Stiles, who was corny but funny in Teen Wolf, has been replaced by an actor who isn't nearly as convincing or amusing. Coach Finstock, who was the only genuinely funny character in the first film, is now played by a man whose line delivery made me laugh exactly zero times throughout the course of the film.

These discrepancies aside, the plot of this film is crap. It's basically exactly the same as the original, only even more sketchy. Anyone who hasn't seen Teen Wolf will probably not be able to make sense of the plot, not that any of them would actually watch this ridiculous film in its entirety.

I could probably write a fairly long essay on the problems with this movie, but I'm limited to 1000 words here. I would comment more on the many specific elements that make this movie stupid, but I don't want to waste more of anyone's time. And since I'm trying to keep you from wasting your time, then I will recommend that you do not watch this movie. Ever. Anyone who says that this movie is not that bad is wrong.
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