I actually cried.
29 September 1999
You know for a series called 'Whimsical Orange Road' the first KOR movie 'I Want To Return To That Day' is downright depressing. The only purpose of this movie is to solve once and for all the romantic triangle of the TV and OAV series, and boy does it do it.

I remember watching this movie for the first time in a crowded auditorium with a bunch of Otaku around me. It got to the climactic moment where Kyosuke is attempting to finally voice his feelings to Madoka and all of us were chanting 'Say it! Say it! Say it!' none of us expecting him to actually do it. And then he said it. We were stunned.

For fans of the series be warned, this movie is very low on the humour and very high on the drama. Not once in this entire film is Kyosuke's ESP even /mentioned/. It is entirely a dramatic movie with a /very/ bittersweet ending.

Hikaru fans may not want to watch at all.
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