Best of the A-Ko Sequels... if only by default.
25 March 2003
We all loved "Project A-Ko"... the best, the original, the unrivaled, the bizarre. The sequels were all direct-to-video releases (even in Japan) and so are, from their inception, vastly inferior to the original. This one, however, was reasonably well-done. It revolves around A-Ko and B-ko's pursuit of a handsome stud named Kay. He likes coke and motorcycles and is quietly courted by both A-ko and B-ko. Meanwhile, C-ko grows very jealous of him... Also meanwhile, the aliens' ship in now floating in the bay and they've tried again to turn it into the ultimate nightspot. Good luck. Catastrophe always occurs when the three 'Ko's get together.

A-Ko spends her time trying to lose weight and make money to look good for the big party at the alien ship. (Occasional tantalizing shots of A-ko... nothing to get excited about). What is worth seeing in this film are all the hilarious little bits that don't fit into the main story... (like the fact that the entire town is populated with freelance crime-fighters, or the incident where A-ko has removed her strength-inhibiting bracers and accidentally causes small gravitational disturbances simply by moving her hands...) I don't know whether to thank the translators or the original writers, but there are some truly great comedic moments here... and weirdness weirdness weirdness... If you're a big fan, go rent it or buy it... you'll be glad you did.
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