Le plus noirs des noirs
15 August 2002
For me, this film has been unforgettable as simply the darkest and most sinister and most degenerately-erotic - and yet most commonplace in its settings - that I have ever seen. I tend to have a particular appreciation for low-budget works, and this one requires little more than momentary use of a few parking lots, three apartments, an old car, one city sidewalk, and a stairway or two as settings. As additional props are required a little sugar to simulate cocaine, a baseball bat, and a small quantity of alcohol (could be cognac or calvados) for the end-scene "garce flambee dans la bathtub". The film, as I recall, was shot in black-and-white.

Films like this one urge me to acquire my own camera, a few friends, and start shooting one of my own. But the one time I tried, I couldn't get those friends to take the acting seriously!

Film Noir is definitely not a genre I am naturally attracted to, but this one is super-noir and will remain burned in my memory - a film I would rate quite highly, though I never want to see another like it.
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