The Challengers (1990 TV Movie)
Another great film from Canada - rated sweet
15 April 2001
I hate to admit that I like this movie. It is sweet, good, clean with no bad people and a story to tell..and something for us to all learn. A great movie for kids (I am 60 by the way.) A girl's father dies and she misses him a great deal. She pretends to be a boy to join a band.

Gema Zamprogna plays Macki/Mac and does an excellent job. She seems so real and you don't feel that she is acting. All the kids in the movie seem to be very real to life. Gema was born in 1976 and the movie is listed as a 1989 TV movie. She seems younger in the movie.

It seems that Canada turns out some excellent movies. I am not sure if government support of the arts has something to do with it or if they just try harder.

Some movies make you feel good about life and about kids and this is one of them. Other movies are; "My Dog Skip", "The Mighty", "Bruno" and "ma Vie En Rose" and many others. If you have not seen "The Challengers" watch it with your kids or grand children. Feel good.
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