7 April 2003
Any time the villain wears what Thom Christopher wears and has as much hair as he does, the viewers know they are in for quite a ride. John Nelson is completely idiotic and Carla Herd is terrible. Thom Christopher scared absolutely no one. This would not pass in America, but it was filmed in Mexico, and probably gave many Mexicans some jobs. No self-respecting American would want to be in this garbage. It is your typical B-movie: cheap sets, bad special effects, stupid costumes (especially the Bat guy), bad dialogue, and bad actors. MST3K is the only way that one should watch this. This movie is the third worst I have ever seen, behind Manos the Hands of Fate and Pumaman. One other thing, for all of you Puma fans out there, watch for the brief cameo of your beloved Vadinho about twenty minutes into the movie.
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