6 January 2001
I'd really like to say this is the worst crime ever committed on celluloid, but I can't. See, for a movie to be truly bad it can't be made deliberately that way, and that's just what...(shudder) Meet The Feebles was. And somehow, that makes it worse. It's a snuff film with puppets. I can't put it any simpler than that.

Sadly, I'm sure there are people out there who really like this movie. I can only say that they have medication for these people and they should avail themselves of it. There's nothing wrong with pushing the envelope of good taste...but at least have a reason. The only message I could discern from this film was bad guys finish last. And hey...THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! ...coughOJcough cough... South Park the Movie pushed the envelope, but it was funny with a good message. Canada is the source of all our problems.

I wish I'd never seen this movie. Every once in a while, a scene will flash in my mind and I'll shudder. There is nothing redeemable about it. I want the people involved in it's creation to be punished...in Texas. Please, don't let my utter contempt for this movie pique your curiosity. It's not worth seeing it, you're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you! Consider yourself forewarned. Peace.

p.s. Even after the three Lord of the Rings movies, I can't find it in my heart to forgive Peter Jackson for this.
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