Roger & Me (1989)
A film from the heart...
12 September 2002
Michael Moore is a lot of things. Angry, bold, biased, just to name a few. He is also more. He is a rare original who has an opinion, and expresses it. His opinion might not be right. You do not have to agree with his opinion. But you should at least listen. In a world that seems to be conforming at an alarming rate, his voice has a place. I just saw Roger and Me for the first time, and I admire what the film set out to do. It is a film from the heart of a man who watched as his childhood city was torn away piece by piece. It is a film that leaves no question as to who, in it's opinion, the bad guys (GM Chairman Roger B.Smith, and the rest of General Motors) are. Now, I'm sure that Smith is not the devil incarnate he's made out to be. That's not the point. The point is, that a man like Moore, who at the time, was a regular joe, wanted to know why? They were making huge profits, the economy was good, so why the cuts? why the lay-offs? He asked the man at the top. He never got an answer, and despite what some of the more negative reviews I've read here say, he deserved one. So did all the people who were laid off. I admire men like Moore, men who take a stand, and ask the questions. So what if he lives in a $2,000,000 home in New York? Does that make him a hypocrite? Maybe. But at least he's still asking the questions. More of us should follow his example. The world might be a better place for it.
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