OK, so maybe it's not an award winner, but I LOVE it!
3 September 2004
This is one movie that my sister and I will never forget. We still love it VERY much. We watch it as much as possible. If you have a crazy sense of humor and love movies that are a little different, this one is for you. OK, so maybe it is a little cheesy. Cheesy is good. Corey is a great actor and I wish he would make more movies. I am very happy that he's grown out of his Michael Jackson phase though. I think he needs to team up with Corey H. again for another Liscense to Drive, or a Lost Boys 2. That would be cool. Corey Feldman, I will love you forever and love everything you are in except for the Surreal Life! The natural look is better for you, no more peroxide. If you're not going to eat meat, don't wear leather. If they kill something for it's skin, it's better to eat it then let it go to waste. (I'm sure it would be the same way if humans were used for their skin.) But as far as rock n roll high school forever goes...... i want to be in a band now!
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