Review of Rocky V

Rocky V (1990)
Why Rocky VI would be a predictable storyline, and rubbish! (Tiny spoiler to previous films enclosed.)
29 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Where would Rocky VI start? He's been training his son to fight and has become as respectable as his dad, but he meets an opponent who is seemingly indestructible (The return of Ivan Drago?), who therefore murders his son or does a case of GBH on him in the ring, so out of guilt he tries to commit suicide, but Adrian stops him and convinces him to fight having had a dream about her son after his death telling her he has to avenge him, by fighting one last time, and ends where liver disease finally catches up with Paulie and kicks the bucket by finally drinking himself to death, but says a heart felt sorry to Adrian b4 he does??

And lets face it, a popular face would play Rocky's opponent, The Rock? Vin Diesel? The film would maybe be good if Dolph Lungren strutted his stuff once more.

Stallone admitted on the Video Commentary to the Rocky 25th Anniversary DVD that he will never have the ability to write another film with the same hungry heart that went into Rocky.

Rocky V was a calamity on so many levels. Stallone looked older and knackered (he looked better in demolition man), as if he couldn't give a care about the film, referring back to the previous films to get a boost was a sad and cheesy way to gain audience attention and who really cared about Tommy Gunn? Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, Ivan Drago, were ones the audiences attention would be focused on as much as Rocky would be, because they were a threat to him, a threat to Rocky's success. Tommy Gunn was no threat, he was exactly what the press in the film said, he's Rocky's robot, Rocky taught him, what chance did he stand?? Yeah Rock was brain damaged, but he taught the kid most of what he knows. In one word, Predictable.

Reffering back to the old chapel, old streets of Philadelphia (spelling?), Mickey, the infamous run up the steps and thru the streets, showed Stallone was out of ideas, or he was lacking enthusiasm for the film. Rocky IV was great because it was fresh and new, something we hadn't seen before, Apollo vs Drago, an exciting main character of the film taking the stage instead of Rock for a short while, a side of rock we hadn't seen before, not really paying attention to Adrian, showing he could have done it without her words of wisdom like we'd seen in the previous two, and Dolph Lungren looked pure!

Some advice to Stallone, leave it alone!....
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