Review of The Adjuster

The Adjuster (1991)
Confused yes, immature yes, but visually inventive, unusual and highly stimulating
16 August 2002
First, the one bad thing about this film, its handling of sex. It's crass, and the fact that the lead character's wife works for the Board of Censors and watches a lot of pornography manages to be both pompously self-referential and irritatingly shallow at the same time, as well as leading to some completely unnecessary voyeurism.

However, it is bang on in its handling of the lead character. Theoretically unpromising as an insurance adjuster (although Woody Allen makes it work too!), in fact the way in which he interacts with his "clients" exposes interestingly the relationship between people and the service industry (think just how bad or good your bank can actually make your life).

Lots of great interior shots and visual invention, too. Even pretty funny in places.
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