The Rocketeer (1991)
Production values and no soul
28 February 1999
The Rocketeer looks fantastic. LA in 1938 is colorful and convincing. All the characters look like they were chiseled from marble to play their roles - Campbell as the dashing, all-American hero, Dalton as the Errol Flynn-like Nazi villain. Paul Sorvino looks great in great big gangster suits. Jennifer Connelly fits the period costumes perfectly. Alan Arkin adds good comic relief as the mechanical genius Peevy. None of the leads has a problem with acting, either.

So why does this feel like it's just pretty cardboard cutouts? The script zooms along and then loses momentum when they hide the rocket pack and the gangsters shake down the diner. The big finale looks great but looks aren't everything. Somewhere in here is a film lacking in soul. I don't know if it's the actors, the writing, the direction... They certainly put the effort into it, and there's no reason not to enjoy the film, but somehow Indiana Jones and Star Wars grab you on the inside, and this one sits outside and just shows pretty colors. The production is so slick and well done it's a pleasure to watch. You could get a lot less out of a movie, but when they put so much effort into making it look this good it should feel good too. Funny movie alchemy.
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