Review of Tricky Brains

Tricky Brains (1991)
Not as funny as I remember
6 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this when I was a lot younger at a party. I remembered it has being very funny; a classic. Now that I've had a chance to see it again on DVD, it is nowhere near as funny or as good as I remember. The film starts out funny enough. The trickster (as we used to call him) fools a guy and sends him out into the middle of a mall sitting on a toilet. It is a very funny opening scene that I have remembered to this day. As the movie progesses however, things get bland and dull. SPOILER ALERT What happens is the films goes from being straight out comedy (which worked) into an attempt at drama. The trickster is sent to fool a man, but eventually starts feeling sorry for him. This drags on and on and on. What happened to the humor of the 1st scene?! Now it's less humor, more relationships. The trickster loses his cool image and turns into a goof. Then in the last scene he takes a metal box and pulls out all these random ridiculous items, such as a boxing glove on a spring. This isn't as funny and doesn't match the style of the opening. Still this is a funny movie. I just guess after all these years without watching it my expectations became too high. Those who are interested in the theme may still want to check it out.
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