Bad Script + Bad Acting = Bad Movie
6 September 2004
Boy, oh boy....I don't know where to begin when attempting to describe this train wreck of a movie. Basically, Richard Gere portrays a Freudianesque psychiatrist treating a disturbed young woman (Uma Thurman) who suffers from recurring nightmares coupled with an obsessive compulsive disorder that reveals glimpses of her secret past. Enter the aforementioned patient's bombshell (but un-happily married) sister (Kim Basinger) along with her "Greek Orthodox gangster" husband (Eric Roberts), and let the thinly-veiled intrigue begin!! Laced with poorly executed homages to Hitchcock classics such as Vertigo, in addition to every bad movie cliché' imaginable, this movie is predictable from beginning to end. The acting is sub-par all around, and the plot holes are enormous. (SPOILERS HEREAFTER) Are we, as the viewer, really supposed to believe that the San Fransisco Police Department and District Attorney's Office would not take the time to investigate a person's background after they have charged them with homicide? Or that a friend of the defendant can testify as an expert witness? To sum things up, this movie is laughable and ridiculous. Don't waste your time.
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