6 February 2002
Ok.. look it may not be the BEST movie and it may not be the BIGGEST HOLLYWOOD pieces of crap out there. (i do mean that). Anyway if you actually watch this movie it's not that bad. With a line like "the bible is just a poorly xeroxed chain letter" How can you go wrong. I think that movie says alot about the pressures of the world. It makes you think about how insignificant we really are. The movie definalty goes deeper than you would think if you sit and listen to what they have to say you realize that the writer of the script definalty had some seriously deep thoughts about the world the universe(he could of even been a little crazy). But that's what makes a good movie. So take my word for it it's not that bad. If you like movies that will make you think and aren't a peon. If your someone who appriecates a deep movie with a good comical background.. Than you should definalty watch this. It may be a little old. And no one will probably read this but. If you are dwelling back here in the no name dungen of lost movies than give it a chance

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