Can 2 cons really be this stupid?
20 March 2001
Here we have 2 criminals fresh from a breakout from a maximum security pen. When their getaway car develops a flat tire the clever duo rips off a government car which has 3 12 year old kids in the back seat. Off to the mountains go the thugs where they reluctantly turn their hostages loose. After finding no way over the mountain, the pair turn back only to have their car sabotaged by the kids. A foot race then ensues as the 2 mentally challenged felons chased the kids all over Wolf Mountain for 2 days instead of simply walking out, stealing a car, and heading south. Morons? To be sure! This is a good, exciting picture for the young ones in the family. Let them watch and find out if the crooks find and kill the kids, or if the mysterious spirit of Wolf Mountain foils their dastardly deeds.
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