Such a pity, such a bore
23 September 2002
Nothing is more depressing than having a good story , and a couple of good actors and then fail miserably at attempting to make a good movie... It is indeed a pity to see that El Maestro de Esgrima (based on a story written by Spain's top-selling Pérez Reverte and with such actors as Omero Antonutti or Assumpta Serna) fails lamentably to raise any kind of interest.

In spite of all the efforts of the talented Ms Serna, the reputed Antonutti and the versatile Almeida, the film is not even remotely interesting. The filming is classic in the worst sense of the word: it is totally unimaginative and absolutely boring. So is unfortunately the acting (with the exception of 3 mentioned before), so stuck up and cliché, you'd think you were sitting at an amateur play. Even the sets and costumes look fake.

All that comes to your mind after a while is "Oh please"... Check what else is on on TV. At least it won't be that boring.
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