Raising Cain (1992)
The Final Scene...
17 July 2004
...makes the movie. It's explicitly why I sought out the movie for a second viewing. The entire film is great fun - scary, funny, sad and bizarre - however, what stuck with me most from seeing it during its theatrical run was the final scene. The framing and the music and the whole implication of the image makes it, in my opinion, one of the classic chill-inducing scenes in movie history. Even though I had seen the movie before, hairs still stood up on the back of my neck. Some people have said this is campy fun, and I'm not so sure. I think some of the camp isn't intentional. I do, however, think that some of the dialogue was rather stiff and cheesy, and that, coupled with a certain actress' limited abilities, made for what appears camp at times. Lithgow is great fun, but not in a campy was so much as a freaky way. It does seem to be a bit of an homage to the director's own work. I mean, the last sequence was entirely Dressed to Kill, but I don't think it was meant to be campy. He borrowed from Hitchcock like crazy, so why not borrow from himself?I guess I just love the film too much as a great work of freaky fun to consider it campy fun. That puts the film in a whole other realm. Bottom line is, don't listen to me or anyone else. Watch it for yourself and decide for yourself.
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