Funnier than your average summer
28 May 1999
I watch this movie at the start of every summer, and it never ceases to amuse me. Here the jokes are packed in near every line of dialogue, giving you more bang than the average Simpsons episode. Some of the jokes fall flat or will only elicit a slight chuckle, but others will leave you rolling and then there are those that stick in your brain... "The audience is now deaf."

The video knows it's a video, and makes no pretensions about being anything else. It's easy to sit back and let the bombardment of humor begin. A good mix of slapstick, pop culture, and tongue-in-cheek comedy ensures there's something for everybody. I was in sixth grade when I first saw this video, and I have to admit I still find it as hilarious now that I've started college.

This is a good movie to watch over the summer, much in the way you might watch "It's a Wonderful Life" at Christmas or "Ten Commandments" at Easter/Passover. More than that, it's just funny as hell.
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