There's A Killer On The Loose
11 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

Someone's going around bumping off cops and you really can't blame him since the cops...

1 ) Beat up suspects . Though to be fair they'll beat up anyone regardless of skin colour so at least they're not racist cops

2 ) Swear a lot

3 ) Spout terrible dialogue

4 ) Get drunk in bars and decide to drive home

5 ) Have sex in a room full of strobing light effects thereby giving voyeurs a seizure

Actually this was slightly better than I expected it was going to be . My only real complaint is when the murderer was revealed as the police captain who had killed the hero's father years earlier . I'm still still trying to work out what the motive for all this was . Perhaps I missed something due to a seizure ?
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