2 Stupid Dogs (1993–1995)
Too Stupid!
22 January 2000
The Simpsons, Ren and Stimpy, and Beavis and Butthead started a lot of "gross-you-out" cartoon ingenuity. Like those cartoons, this one was just as lame! We have two moronic dogs, one's big and one's little (kinda obvious and totally overused) and they get into the most far-out and ribald situations!

A friend of mine who was into vulgar cartoons suggested this one to me. And I must say it's just as stupid and ridiculous as The Simpsons and all that other low-brow ribald humor that's been so popular movies, sit-coms, and cartoons in the nineties! And that's why we have shows like South Park and the whatnot!

2 Stupid Dogs and all the other cartoons just like it aren't even for kids to watch! This is only good for those who are into cartoons that are vulgar.
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