What the @#$% is this?
13 April 1999
The first time I saw this movie, I was much younger than I am today and I thought that it was a decent movie with awesome fight scenes. But when I watched it a few years later I realized something...it's crap. As I watched I came under the realization that the editors had no idea what they were doing. Scenes conflicted with each other. For example, at one time you see this blond fighter get his leg hacked to pieces only to see him with a perfect leg, no scratches or bruises, just a few minutes later (24 hours according to the movie). What was the worst of all was the final fight scene. It is totally obvious that all the makers of this movie did was just take previous scenes and meshed them all together. It wouldn't have been that obvious if it wasn't for the fact that the main character kept changing uniforms every 5 seconds, the guy he kept fighting changed as well, and for the horrible dubbing they did to make the previous scenes fit.

Avoid this movie at all cost. I have seen some bad martial arts movies in my time, but they were always enjoyable. This one is just plain bad and should probably only be seen on Mystery Science Theater 3000 to be heckled at.
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