Pretty good spoof
3 January 2004
I have seen a few spoof movies, and this is definitely one of the better. It has very much the same type of humor for a spoof movie, and it delivers some great laughs if you're into this type of movie. The plot and acting is typical for this sort of movie, nothing really new there. No one has a breathtaking performance, and there isn't anywhere in the movie where you gasp at the brilliance of the script. It just is the typical spoof movie, nothing more, nothing less. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who like spoof movies, especially if they've seen a lot of suspense/thrillers of the 80's and 90's, which the movie spoofs heavily. The movie primarily is for laughs, and many will say that it's very silly; and they're absolutely right. This movie isn't meant to be taken seriously, it's just a fun way to spend an hour and a half. The movie is a treat to fans of the spoof genre, but most other people probably won't like it. It doesn't feature any particularly big actors, but it doesn't need to. It's just mindless fun. Nothing else. 7/10
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