Streetwise is better
16 March 2004
I didn't care for this movie. I felt that the film took the point of view of these poor victimized women and their good for nothing ex-husbands who aren't paying child supoort. Or course I think that ex-husbands should pay child support but it is hard to make someone pay who isn't planning to and that is the reality for some of these women. Complaining that the system failed you by not making him pay isn't going to do you any good. One of the better moments in the movie was the interview with the policewoman who was handing out parking tickets. She had two kids, was going through a divorce, and was working two jobs to keep herself from becoming homeless herself. If you find yourself in bad circumstances this is the attitude I think you need to have, work two jobs if that is what it takes to keep you and your children off of the streets. I also didn't think the film fleshed out the characters enough. I have a feeling some of them suffered from mental illness but the film didn't tell us enough about them to really know. The best film for my money about homelessness is still StreetWise, where we see the full-dimensional personalities of the people involved.
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