Review of Nukie

Nukie (1987)
An ugly disturbing kids movie full of pain, suffering, and torture.
15 July 2001
I completely agree with the other person who reviewed this movie. The reason I saw it was the same thing -- the box looked like it could be really funny and maybe have a few good absurd weird things in it. It turned out to be one of the most unpleasant maddening movies I have ever seen. I strongly reccommend that no parent ever show to this to their child. I can't imagine a normal child taking any joy out of this movie, because there IS no joy in this movie. The whole movie is about suffering. Nukie almost dies several times, and his brother is being tortured by scientists while he begs and cries in pain. This is suppossed to be a fun kids movie but there is nothing light-hearted about it. It is so intense and painful, only showcasing the miseries and trauma of life. Even more disturbing is it's strange political subtext. At one point in the movie, an African child and Nukie are in desperate need of aid. They are lost and tired and looking for America (this is where Nukie's brother is being "imprisoned.") The African child cries out "AMERICA! SAVE US!" Could this be a commentary on how America treats other nations, or "aliens"? What about the name, "NUKIE"? "Nuke"?

Only see this movie if you and friends are looking for absurd, kind of funny, yet painful puzzles to try and figure out (which is what I do)
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