Review of The Piano

The Piano (1993)
The Piano Is Off Key
25 February 2002
Wonderful performance by Anna Paquin... but I found myself asking, "Why?" What's it all about? This film plods on and never finds it's footing. Just when you think it might get interesting, It starts to plod along again. I also believe that too many times films can get a little too complex for the viewer but in The Piano's case it's just too simple. A woman goes to, where?...Borneo or someplace to live with her new husband. She doesn't speak which lends itself to the non-original, done in film a hundred times "Is she touched in the head?" talk around her new home. Her little girl has to interpret. Hunter shows no emotion whatsoever, neither does Sam Neill, her husband. He basically just leaves her alone. Which is what I would of done.

I also had to suffer through this film on the Oxygen Channel, which had a commercial break every THREE MINUTES! That made the film just that much more boring.
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