Review of The Searchers

The Searchers (1993)
"Nice" movie with lots of classic quotes
4 December 2001
The first thing we should realize here is that I have judged this movie not by how professional the actors are or how good the filming is, but for the general feeling this movie gives you.

If you grew up in Sweden in the eighties or nineties you WILL recognize a lot of details in this movie. The script may not be to good written, but the movie has a very clear message to send to the viewers.

This movie is really fun to watch everytime just because of the funny quotes that are made in the movie. Really stereotype characters and extremely violent, but in some way interesting to see how this young director want to display the life in the suburbs of a swedish major city.

Love it or Hate it. Compare it with "Boyz in the Hood" if you'd like
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