Facile, one-dimensional music video about the 1960's.
30 June 2001
I try not to comment on films that have so little merit, but this one caught my attention. There were many enthusiastic comments, but the overall rating was low, though not low enough.

This is a facile, one-dimensional music video about the 1960's. It would be hard to gather from this lighter than air treatment that those issues made the 60's the most important decade of the 20th century. Oh, there's Watts, Berkeley and Viet Nam stirred together in a sickly sweet soufflé', but it was a waste to film this movie in color, since everything comes off so black and white. The teachers, representing the Establishment, are all stupid and wicked. The students are all on their way to Harvard or Princeton, to underscore how much smarter they are than everyone else. And everyone proceeds in a straight line toward their destiny, without any of the internal conflict that makes for good fiction.

Dermot Mulroney is pitifully wasted as Pirate, the Free Spirit. Noah Wyle shows the promise of one day rising to mediocrity, with a lot of hard work. And poor little Rickey, or Rick, or Rikki or whatever it is now Shroder. Maybe one day he'll be Richard, fulfilling his potential of becoming as bad an actor in adulthood as he was in childhood. The only thing that made this movie bearable was the great soundtrack provided by rock DJ The Beard, serving as a sort of Greek Chorus to keep this limp litany pumped up as much as possible.

If you want a good movie about this era, dust off American Graffiti. If you want a lighter look, you'd probably like Hairspray or Shag. Unless you were in this stinker and wanted to show off to your friends, and even then I'd think twice, don't waste your time on this one.
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