A Wind Named Amnesia (1990 Video)
An impressive anime
19 November 2000
It takes a good Japanese animation to impress me. And this is one of my favorites.

A strange amnesia has swept over the entire world. People have forgotten who they are, how to speak, how to do anything of their past lives. Chaos runs all over. But a young man tries to figure out what the mystery is, and along the way, we see some touches of lessons in humanity.

Some people who watch this movie, however, may think to deep in to it, and think that it's trying to send out all kinds of social messages and not understand that that's not what films like this are made for. Look at the premise, understand it's basic value, and enjoy the film. Thats what it was meant for. To dissect it means your over-thinking it.

Very different from the average action anime, I recommend this not only to the anime fan, but to the casual viewer as well.
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