Review of The Paper

The Paper (1994)
My god, what a piece of tripe
18 July 2001
Sometimes a movie comes along which is so bad, that seeing it just discredits the whole art. Desperate Measures was one of these movies, but that is a different topic for a different time. But The Paper was certainly close. Never has a movie stuck out in my mind of having such a poorly written screenplay and waste of acting that Ron Howard has perpetrated in so many of his movies (My god I rooted for the capsule to blow up in Apollo 13 to give the movie some real drama). This movie was about a paper covering a story proving 2 young black children being blamed for a crime they didn't commit and the paper that covered the story. The movie boringly portrayed the inner-workings of the coverage of the story(in a newspaper environment) along with sub-plots that were just insulting in their stupidity. If you would like to see a movie with fake drama and an awful plot which doesn't draw you to the characters, and would like to waste your time, I would suggest this movie. But then again, I would recommend this after sitting through Pauly Shore and Carrot Top trying to convey the meaning of life for a sea slug. It is a shame that an actor who was the best Batman, didn't stick with the series and went along to make such classics as this, Multiplicity and Jack Frost. No wonder he hasn't done a movie in 3 years. This movie also brought down the careers of Glenn Close and Marisa Tomei in the process. It is fortunate that a director that lacks so much talent is out there so that we can better appreciate the works of Stanley Kubrick, and has paved the way for great young directors like M. Night Shyamalan and Sam Mendes (American Beauty) to show their Talent. To quote the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons, "Worst Movie Ever".
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