Moody foreign film which virtually falls asleep standing up.
20 November 2000
Short, low-key, black & white film about two male losers. The first we meet at his sewing machine being brow-beaten by his mother. After locking her in a cupboard (!), he meets his friend who's a mechanic - the two go for a drive picking up two young girls who need a lift to a ferry.

The girls are outgoing and friendly, but the men are unable to break out of their closeted world. The car journey turns into a long, awkward situation with little conversation and no warmth of emotion.

There are many things to appreciate here if you are a fan of muted, minimalist foreign films. That said this is more like an impressive show-film of a directorial talent rather than a full-scale release.

The long periods where nothing happens are strong emotionally, but they do drag and don't make for exhilirating viewing. The film realises this and has a very short running time and in its understated way has much to say about the human condition.

Probably only of interest to Film Studies students.
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