Review of Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction (1994)
Bold, brash, of the decade's landmark achievements.
1 March 1999
It's been about 5 years since this film was unleashed upon the world. There had never been anything like it. Tarantino had avoided the sophomore slump and crafted a film that pilfers from just about anything you can imagine and manages to create one of the most unique films of the decade. It's a crime drama, film-noir, gangster flick, black get the idea. True, it's a graphic film: graphic violence, graphic language, graphic drug content, and a graphic rape sequence; it ain't for the squeamish. But it also has some of the most fluid monologues cinema has ever produced. Not to mention that it did wonders for the careers of its principals: Travolta's career was in full-throttle after this one; likewise with Jackson, and Thurman. The foundation was laid with "Reservoir Dogs" and "True Romance" - this is the film that established Tarantino as a director of a higher order. And the imitators have been playing catch-up ever since.
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