I watched it again as a lark...
29 December 1998
And I still can't see it. Plot? Comedy? Fun? I watched this movie when it first came out years ago and filtered it away in my "never see this turkey again". After reading some fairly good reviews on it, I rented it from the video store. I was right the first time.

It's not the stoner aspect that ruins the movie. It's the lack of storyline. You've got two geeky high-school boys, a hot-to-trot chick from out of town, and the "dowdy friend", who's far better looking than the hot-to-trot chick. This movie has every single cheap cliche of the eighties. The girls "belong" to someone else. Someone gets laid. Someone gets beat up. Dumb cop doesn't know what's going on. Surprise cameo by Taylor Negron.

Sure, there are people that like this movie. There are a lot of people that like this movie. But there are just as many that think Brad Tatum and Mike Kopelow had to be out of their minds to do this turkey. It's personal choice, and my personal choice was to suggest to my local video store that they toss their copy. After realizing I had been the only person to rent it in four years, they thought it was a great idea.
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