Review of Desperado

Desperado (1995)
One wild ride -- Rodriguez joins John Woo and Luc Besson as best action directors working today
9 March 1999
For an action film, "Desperado" really delivers. Its scenes of gunplay instantly brings films like "The Killer" and "The Wild Bunch" to mind. The mariachi would be a wooden, useless caricature if the wrong actor was playing the part. Fortunately, Antonio Banderas shines in the role. With charisma, charm, and flair, he shows just what makes him a favorite among leading men. Salme Hayek more than holds her own here; the chemistry between her and Banderas is undeniable. Quentin Tarantino, in one of his few decent acting performances, gets laughs with a hilarious joke.

All in all, the film balances elements of action, western, and comedy. It's a fun, fast-paced movie. Maybe too violent for the more sensitive, but the escapists should love it.
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