anyone for seconds? absolutely. Three stars.***
13 December 2000
Jodie Foster has assembled a terrific ensemble of actors here, and allows them to develop at a pace which seems natural, and feels right. There are moments in this film which are funny, some are bittersweet, and all are genuine. The best lines are delivered with the proper amount of subtlety, and these moments happen, because they are given the chance, nothing seems forced and when strung together in the fabric of this story, the sum of the parts is outstanding. All families have their dysfunctional side, which is explored here, yet not exploited. The idiosyncrasies of these characters are not simply the stock eccentricities given to relatives in most films, they are original and as real as one's own frightening family. Holly Hunter is down on her luck, yet her strength and optimism keep the film, and the family together. Charles Durning and Anne Bancroft provide a strong rythm for the soloists in this film, Hunter and Robert Downey Jr. who carry the show. Foster's eye for detail is evident and well served in rare film that allows all the characters to contribute a moment or more. Highly Recommended. Three Stars out of a possible four.
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