Steve Buscemi!
12 January 2003
Frequently funny film about the madness of making independent movies wouldn't be the gem that it is if it wasn't for a fantastic performance by Steve Buscemi. His Ren-like pop eyes and ferocious anger give life to the on-the-brink-of-a-nervous-breakdown director character and the scene towards the beginning of the film where he snaps and tells everyone on the set what he thinks of them gives a viewer a words-cannot-describe feeling of incredibly inspiring bliss. It would be a one-note performance if he played Nick Reve as manic all the way through the film but he adds layers of vulnerability and plays the humanity instead of the schtick making the nervous humor burn and stay with you. It's a quality he brings to every part he plays and is very visible in his best work: Parting Glances, Fargo, Trees Lounge, and especially Ghost World.

Catherine Keener and Dermot Mulroney are also very good here but James Le Gros as the Brad Pitt-inspired Chad Palomino (great name!) is just too good to be true! Enjoy!
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