Smooth Operator (I) (1995)
Not a classic, but decent softcore fare.....C-
28 February 2004
I dug up this film, sitting at the bottom of my Skinemax archives. "Smooth Operator" also goes by the name "Forbidden Games 2" and is an "old" movie by modern softcore standards.

Megan Hughes plays Grace Nichols, a businesswoman constantly competing with men to get ahead. Unfortunately, her love life is also suffering. One day, while chomping on a donut, she realizes she's put on a few pounds. She decides to get back in shape, and asks her secretary Angie Li (Candace Kita) if she could recommend a good personal trainer. Angie recommends Brian Lerner (Doug Jeffery), a guy Angie's also been sleeping with for the last few months. Of course, Grace doesn't know that.

Grace meets up with Brian, and it's innocent at first. She tosses on the workout clothes, he comes over to help her out with exercising, and goes home. Simple enough, right? However, this is a softcore flick, so you know the sex is coming. Eventually, Grace asks Brian to accompany her to a formal dinner. Although Grace's colleagues make Brian look like an culture-deficient idiot, all Grace can think about is how good he'd be in the sack. Sure enough, that night, after the party, they have sex. Eventually, Brian goes back and forth between Angie and Grace, with neither of them knowing they're sleeping with the same guy.

Long story short, Grace and Brian break up down the road, and Angie gets mad at Grace for banging her boyfriend. Of course, all that gets patched over by the end.

There were only a handful of sex scenes, and they were okay, I suppose. Nothing out of the ordinary, but not terrible. Overall, this wasn't a spectacular film, but it had some good points. I wouldn't consider it tapeworthy, though.

Women: B (Megan Hughes was nice, and Candace Kita was kinda cute too. There wasn't much else in terms of women in this flick, so I can't grade this TOO high.)

Sex: C (Very average sex scenes of acceptable duration, but most of them were not very "hot". Megan has one nice scene which blends into a scene featuring Candace on top of Doug Jeffery. That's about it.)

Story: C- (To tell you the truth, the story wasn't all that interesting. It was kinda "there", just so there could be some sort of plot. Besides, I've seen this general storyline played out much better in other films.)

Overall: C- (Below average softcore flick that had some nice parts, especially that one sex scene, but not enough to overcome the bad storyline.)
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