Feel-good road movie
27 July 2001
Cool city girl Charlot ends up with lonely naive country girl Charlotte on a road trip together across Denmark. On their trip to Skagen on the top of Denmark they have many strange and existential experiences, meeting among others an angel, a mass-murderer, and religious fundamentalists.

The movie has great and hilarious moments and is the best Danish road movie I've seen so far (there are not many, though). Naturally, the trip through Denmark is also a personal voyage for the two Charlots, who both learn from each other, and sort out their messy lives.

The movie is definitely a bit uneven at times, but it leaves you with that great feel-good experience, and I love the road movie feeling. R.E.M.'s Monster album works also works perfectly as background music for the movie.

The director Ole Bornedal is the man behind Danish international success movie "Nattevagten", which he later (less successfully) remade as the US movie "Nightwatch" with David Nicholson.
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