Review of The Ring

The Ring (1996 TV Movie)
This is such a guilty pleasure...
25 June 2003
I just happened to catch this on TV - seeing the name Nastassja Kinski always makes me want to watch, but seeing the name Danielle Steel always makes me worry... There was nothing to worry about. This was a wonderful miniseries, brought to life by a good story and fabulous actors.

Nastassja Kinski is wonderful, and she is the perfect choice for Ariana. I'm sure the role rang very true for her, owing to the fact that her parents were this age in Berlin during World War II. In fact in the story, her brother flees the country afraid of being drafted into the Nazi army, and in real life Nastassja's father, (actor Klaus Kinski) WAS drafted into the German army. Nastassja brings real depth to the character and the casting director should thank their lucky stars that she accepted the role. The casting was wonderful the whole way around: Michael York, Jon Tenney, and Elizabeth Barondes are all fantastic.

The story is corny - but it's Danielle Steel, what do you expect? ;) But what I have to tell you is I sat down, meaning to check out the first ten minutes - and after five minutes I was completely hooked. By the end of the first episode I was shocked to see that I didn't know what the heck was going to happen, and that I actually cared! I was back there the next day, with my kleenex, and loved every minute of it.

There are a few things lacking in this miniseries. The actress that played Gerhard's wife just made me want to bang my head against a wall, and I thought that subplot carried on much longer than was necessary. Other than that though, this is a movie you will get involved in. The whole situation with Ariana's second husband is just heartbreaking, and frankly, I'm still upset about it!

I can't believe I'm admitting it, but this is a movie that you can really get into. Don't let the name Danielle Steel stop you from seeing an actually very good film. Great cast, great acting, a bit of a cheesy script, but such terrific performances that you don't care!
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