This film captured the comradeship and humour that made up life in the R.A.F. during World War Two
4 June 1999
ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION CANNOCK CHASE BRANCH U.K.(573) Members of the Cannock Chase Branch of the R.A.F. - Royal Air Force - attended the premier of the excellent film "The Brylcreem Boys" held on April 23, 1999 in Wolverhampton. All of us were ex-serving members of the R.A.F., and some of our group were elderly veterans who had flown in the 'Battle of Britain' in 1941. We all wish to express our thanks to the director Terence Ryan and all the cast and crew who's efforts made this film possible. Without a doubt we all feel that this film has captured the essence of the situation that prevailed during the period in which the film was set. The comradeship and humour that made up life in the R.A.F. is a thing that can never be adequately described but we all feel that the film The Brylcreem Boys has gone a long way in portraying this. We congratulate everyone involved in the making of this film for what can only be described as an excellent piece of work. Sincerely Malcolm Blackman. R.A.F.
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